Welcome to Sarnia’s Neurofeedback Brain Training Program

We train stressed, overwhelmed, and busy brains to naturally self-regulate using advanced neurofeedback technology.

20+ years of proven effectiveness


Covered by most benefits




10,000+  practitioners globally


20+ years of proven effectiveness · Covered by most benefits · Non-invasive · 10,000+  practitioners globally ·

Does this sound familiar?

Does your mind have too many tabs open?

Are you experiencing a sense of disconnection from yourself?

Have you been feeling more reactive or on edge?

Are you easily overwhelmed and feeling burnt out?

Experiencing persistent stress that’s interfering with daily life?

Neurofeedback may help!


Helping you find calm amidst the waves

The science behind NeurOptimal® is rooted in the concepts of neuroplasticity, biofeedback, and the central nervous system’s ability to self-regulate. The program runs for thirty minutes and adapts to your individual brainwave patterns, scanning your brain 256 times per second to offer a personalized neurofeedback training experience. You simply rest in a reclining chair and your brain does all of the work. 

Neurofeedback Sarnia, Ont.

How Neurofeedback Works

The system continuously monitors your brain's electrical activity through five EEG sensors that are placed on the head and ears. When the EEGs detect instability in the brainwaves — which can be indicators of suboptimal brain function — it triggers a skip in the music. These skips are designed to elicit the brain's natural "orienting response" which prompts your central nervous system to attend to the present moment where it can learn, adapt, and self-organize for optimal functioning. 

Unlike other forms of neurofeedback that aim to guide the brain into specific states, the skips in NeurOptimal® don't push the brain in any particular direction. Instead, these skips act like a mirror, providing the brain with an opportunity to observe itself. With each session, your brain learns a little bit more about itself and how it is functioning. Consistent sessions over time allow your brain to recognize, respond to, and adapt to patterns more effectively and promotes flexibility and self-regulation.

Neurofeedback Session

Neurofeedback Intake + Initial Session, 75min | $200

Follow-up Appointment, 45min | $125.

Neurofeedback Rentals | Starting at $800/month

We provide in-person neurofeedback sessions for individuals 12+, and neurofeedback rentals. In-office appointments may be covered under extended healthcare benefits.

During your session, recline comfortably while five sensors are placed on the head and ears. For 33 minutes you’ll listen to soothing music or watch dancing fractals on a screen. The system monitors brainwave activity and provides gentle interruptions in the audio feedback to promote neural self-regulation. You rest while your brain does all of the work.

Rediscover Internal Balance


Rediscover Internal Balance ·


  • Weekday appointments with some evening appointment availability.

  • Upon payment, we email a BSW Social Work receipt for you to explore coverage under your extended healthcare benefits. Social Work services can also be claimed as medical expenses on income tax.

  • Credit card and e-transfer.

  • Explore our rental program here.

  • Watch some helpful neurofeedback videos here

  • The Clinic requires a minimum of twenty four [24] hours’ notice for cancellations or rescheduling. Missed appointments are subject to a full fee and late cancellations within twenty 24 hours of the scheduled appointment are subject to an $85.00 fee.

Introduction To NeurOptimal

Neurofeedback Rental Program

Neurofeedback Rental Program

Rent a system for your family and enjoy the benefits of neurofeedback from the comfort of your home.

Interested in learning more?