Anxiety Therapy Sarnia-Lambton, ON

If you’re struggling with anxiety, you’re not alone. Anxiety disorders have become the most common mental health concern in Canada and we want to help you!

There are many types of anxiety disorders and the symptoms and severity are different for everyone, but at the heart of anxiety are extreme feelings of worry, dread, and fear. When they are occurring, these feelings can seem insurmountable, however, with support from an experienced anxiety counsellor, these feelings can be managed and treated.

What is Anxiety?

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a natural response to stress, involving feelings of worry, fear, or unease. While it's normal to feel anxious occasionally, excessive or persistent anxiety can interfere with daily life. If you're having extreme feelings of worry, fear, or panic, during everyday life, you could be struggling with anxiety and we can help!

The Three Types Of Anxiety Symptoms

Everyone experiences anxiety differently, but some symptoms are common. These symptoms fall into three categories: Physical, Cognitive, and Behavioral.

1. Physical Symptoms - What You Feel

  • A racing heart 

  • Quick, shallow breathing

  • Sweating

  • Changes in sleep patterns - always feeling tired or being unable to sleep 

  • Nightmares or night terrors

  • Headaches

  • Muscle tension 

2. Cognitive Symptoms - What You Think

  • Trouble focusing 

  • Feelings of panic or dread

  • Feeling stressed, tense, or restless

  • Thinking that the worst-case scenario is going to happen

  • Obsessive thoughts and overthinking situations

  • Inability to remember things or having your mind go blank

3. Behavioural Symptoms - How You Act

  • Inability to be still or feel calm

  • Fidgeting or pacing

  • Withdrawing from social interactions

  • Feeling irritable

  • Increased startle response

  • Not being able to meet responsibilities at home, work, or school 

  • Use of drugs or alcohol to reduce anxious feelings and thoughts

How Counselling Can Help You

How Counselling Can Help

If your feelings of anxiety are impacting your day-to-day and stopping you from enjoying your life, anxiety therapy can help you regain control and start feeling like yourself again. 

Anxiety therapy can help you better understand your anxiety and develop strategies and skills to cope. Through the therapeutic process, we’ll work to uncover the underlying causes and explore your fears and triggers in a safe, supportive space. 

There are many different treatment methods for anxiety and our experienced team of mental health professionals will work with you to find the option that best meets your needs and goals. Through regular treatment, you can build the knowledge you need to overcome your anxious thoughts and feelings and take back control of your life.


Next Steps

Schedule a free intake call where we will learn about your goals, answer any questions, and explore if counselling and/or neurofeedback is the right fit for you or a loved one.


Did you know that we offer Neurofeedback Brain Training?